
From InfoSoka


$wgAllMessagesZh-hk = array(
'1movedto2' => "$1移動到$2",
'1movedto2_redir' => "$1重定向到$2",
#'Monobook.css' => "/* edit this file to customize the monobook skin for the entire site */",
/* 'Monobook.js' => "/* tooltips and access keys */
ta = new Object();
ta['pt-userpage'] = new Array('.','My user page');
ta['pt-anonuserpage'] = new Array('.','The user page for the ip you\'re editing as');
ta['pt-mytalk'] = new Array('n','My talk page');
ta['pt-anontalk'] = new Array('n','Discussion about edits from this ip address');
ta['pt-preferences'] = new Array('','My preferences');
ta['pt-watchlist'] = new Array('l','The list of pages you\'re monitoring for changes.');
ta['pt-mycontris'] = new Array('y','List of my contributions');
ta['pt-login'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.');
ta['pt-anonlogin'] = new Array('o','You are encouraged to log in, it is not mandatory however.');
ta['pt-logout'] = new Array('o','Log out');
ta['ca-talk'] = new Array('t','Discussion about the content page');
ta['ca-edit'] = new Array('e','You can edit this page. Please use the preview button before saving.');
ta['ca-addsection'] = new Array('+','Add a comment to this discussion.');
ta['ca-viewsource'] = new Array('e','This page is protected. You can view its source.');
ta['ca-history'] = new Array('h','Past versions of this page.');
ta['ca-protect'] = new Array('=','Protect this page');
ta['ca-delete'] = new Array('d','Delete this page');
ta['ca-undelete'] = new Array('d','Restore the edits done to this page before it was deleted');
ta['ca-move'] = new Array('m','Move this page');
ta['ca-nomove'] = new Array('','You don\'t have the permissions to move this page');
ta['ca-watch'] = new Array('w','Add this page to your watchlist');
ta['ca-unwatch'] = new Array('w','Remove this page from your watchlist');
ta['search'] = new Array('f','Search this wiki');
ta['p-logo'] = new Array('','Main Page');
ta['n-mainpage'] = new Array('z','Visit the Main Page');
ta['n-portal'] = new Array('','About the project, what you can do, where to find things');
ta['n-currentevents'] = new Array('','Find background information on current events');
ta['n-recentchanges'] = new Array('r','The list of recent changes in the wiki.');
ta['n-randompage'] = new Array('x','Load a random page');
ta['n-help'] = new Array('','The place to find out.');
ta['n-sitesupport'] = new Array('','Support us');
ta['t-whatlinkshere'] = new Array('j','List of all wiki pages that link here');
ta['t-recentchangeslinked'] = new Array('k','Recent changes in pages linked from this page');
ta['feed-rss'] = new Array('','RSS feed for this page');
ta['feed-atom'] = new Array('','Atom feed for this page');
ta['t-contributions'] = new Array('','View the list of contributions of this user');
ta['t-emailuser'] = new Array('','Send a mail to this user');
ta['t-upload'] = new Array('u','Upload images or media files');
ta['t-specialpages'] = new Array('q','List of all special pages');
ta['ca-nstab-main'] = new Array('c','View the content page');
ta['ca-nstab-user'] = new Array('c','View the user page');
ta['ca-nstab-media'] = new Array('c','View the media page');
ta['ca-nstab-special'] = new Array('','This is a special page, you can\'t edit the page itself.');
ta['ca-nstab-wp'] = new Array('a','View the project page');
ta['ca-nstab-image'] = new Array('c','View the image page');
ta['ca-nstab-mediawiki'] = new Array('c','View the system message');
ta['ca-nstab-template'] = new Array('c','View the template');
ta['ca-nstab-help'] = new Array('c','View the help page');
ta['ca-nstab-category'] = new Array('c','View the category page');
", */
'about' => "關於",
'aboutpage' => "維基百科:關於",
#'aboutsite' => "About {{SITENAME}}",
#'accesskey-compareselectedversions' => "v",
#'accesskey-minoredit' => "i",
#'accesskey-preview' => "p",
#'accesskey-save' => "s",
#'accesskey-search' => "f",
'accmailtext' => "'$1'的密碼已經寄到$2。",
'accmailtitle' => "密碼寄出",
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => "對不起,您已經註冊了$1賬號。你不能再註冊了。",
'actioncomplete' => "操作完成",
'addedwatch' => "加入到監視列表",
'addedwatchtext' => "本頁(“$1”)已經被加入到您的<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Watchlist}}\">監視列表</a>中。
而且還會在<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Recentchanges}}\">最近更改列表</a>中

'addgroup' => "增加新的組",
#'addsection' => "+",
'administrators' => "維基百科:管理員",
'affirmation' => "我保證本文件的版權持有人同意將其在$1條款下發佈。",
'all' => "全部",
'allarticles' => "所有條目",
/* 'alllogstext' => "Combined display of upload, deletion, protection, blocking, and sysop logs.
You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the user name, or the affected page.", */
'allmessages' => "系統界面",
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "系統界面功能處於關閉狀態 (wgUseDatabaseMessages)。",
#'allmessagesnotsupportedUI' => "Your current interface language <b>$1</b> is not supported by Special:AllMessages at this site. ",
'allmessagestext' => "這裡列出所有可定製的系統界面。",
'allpages' => "所有頁面",
'allpagesformtext1' => "列出從 $1 起的條目",
'allpagesformtext2' => "選定名字空間: $1 $1",
'allpagesnamespace' => "所有 $1 名字空間的條目",
'allpagesnext' => "下一頁",
'allpagesprev' => "上一頁",
'allpagessubmit' => "提交",
'alphaindexline' => "$1 到 $2",
'alreadyloggedin' => "<font color=red><b>用戶$1,您已經登錄了!</b></font><br />
/* 'alreadyrolled' => "Cannot rollback last edit of [[$1]]
by [[User:$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Talk]]); someone else has edited or rolled back the page already.

Last edit was by [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Talk]]). ", */
'ancientpages' => "老條目",
'and' => "和",
'anontalk' => "該IP的對話頁",
'anontalkpagetext' => "---- ''這是一個還未建立帳號的匿名用戶的對話頁。我們因此只能用[[網址]]來與他/她聯絡。該網址可能由幾名用戶共享。如果您是一名匿名用戶並認為本頁上的評語與您無關,請[[特殊:登錄|創建新帳號或登錄]]以避免在未來於其他匿名用戶混淆。''",
'anonymous' => "匿名用戶",
'apr' => "四月",
'april' => "四月",
'article' => "條目",
'articleexists' => "該名字的頁面已經存在,或者您選擇的名字無效。請再選一個名字。",
#'articlenamespace' => "(articles)",
'articlepage' => "查看文章",
'asksql' => "SQL查詢",
#'asksqlpheading' => "asksql level",
'asksqltext' => "用下麵的表單對維基百科數據庫進行直接查詢。
'aug' => "八月",
'august' => "八月",
'autoblocker' => "你的IP和被封了的 \"$1\" 是一樣的。封鎖原因: \"$2\".",
'badarticleerror' => "無法在本頁上進行此項操作。",
'badfilename' => "圖像名已被改為\"$1\"。",
'badfiletype' => "\".$1\"不是所推薦的圖像文件格式。",
'badipaddress' => "網址不正確。",
'badquery' => "搜索查詢不正確",
'badquerytext' => "我們無法處理您的查詢。
'badretype' => "你所輸入的密碼並不相同。",
'badtitle' => "錯誤的標題",
'badtitletext' => "所請求頁面的標題是無效的、不存在,跨語言或跨維基鏈接的標題錯誤。",
#'blanknamespace' => "(Main)",
/* 'block_compress_delete' => "Can't delete this article because it contains block-compressed revisions. 
This is a temporary situation which the developers are well aware of, and should be fixed within a month or two. 
Please mark the article for deletion and wait for a developer to fix our buggy software.", */
'blockedtext' => "您的用戶名或網址已被$1封。
理由是:<br />'''$2'''<p>您可以與$1向其他任何[[維基百科:管理員|管理員]]詢問。",
'blockedtitle' => "用戶被封",
'blockip' => "查封網址",
'blockipsuccesssub' => "查封成功",
'blockipsuccesstext' => "網址“$1”已經被查封。
<br />參看[[特殊:被封網址列表|被封網址列表]]以復審查封。",
'blockiptext' => "用下面的表單來禁止來自某一特定網址的修改權限。
'blocklink' => "禁封",
'blocklistline' => "$1,$2禁封$3",
'blocklogentry' => "封鎖 $1, $2",
'blocklogpage' => "封鎖記錄",
/* 'blocklogtext' => "This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions. Automatically
blocked IP addresses are not listed. See the [[Special:Ipblocklist|IP block list]] for
the list of currently operational bans and blocks.", */
#'blockpheading' => "block level",
#'bold_sample' => "Bold text",
#'bold_tip' => "Bold text",
'booksources' => "戰外書源",
'booksourcetext' => "以下是鏈接到銷售書籍的網站列表,
'brokenredirects' => "損壞的重定向頁",
'brokenredirectstext' => "以下的重定向頁指向的是不存在的條目。",
'bugreports' => "錯誤報告",
'bugreportspage' => "維基百科:錯誤報告",
#'bureaucratlog' => "Bureaucrat_log",
#'bureaucratlogentry' => "Rights for user \"$1\" set \"$2\"",
/* 'bureaucrattext' => "The action you have requested can only be
performed by sysops with  \"bureaucrat\" status.", */
#'bureaucrattitle' => "Bureaucrat access required",
'bydate' => "日期",
'byname' => "名字",
'bysize' => "大小",
#'cachederror' => "The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date.",
'cancel' => "取消",
'cannotdelete' => "無法刪除選定的頁面或圖像(它可能已經被其他人刪除了)。",
'cantrollback' => "無法恢復編輯;最後的鞏縣者是本文的唯一作者。",
'categories' => "頁面分類",
'categoriespagetext' => "以下列出所有的頁面分類。",
'category' => "分類",
'category_header' => "類別”$1“中的條目",
'categoryarticlecount' => "該類頁面共有 $1 條目",
#'categoryarticlecount1' => "There is $1 article in this category.",
'changepassword' => "更改密碼",
'changes' => "更改",
'clearyourcache' => "'''註意:''' 保存設置後,要清掉瀏覽器的緩存才能生效:'''Mozilla:''' 點''刷新'' (或用快鍵''Ctrl-R''),'''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''。",
'columns' => "列",
#'compareselectedversions' => "Compare selected versions",
'confirm' => "確認",
'confirmcheck' => "是的,我確定要刪除。",
'confirmdelete' => "確認刪除",
'confirmdeletetext' => "您即將從數據庫中永遠刪除一個頁面或圖像以及其歷史。
#'confirmprotect' => "Confirm protection",
#'confirmprotecttext' => "Do you really want to protect this page?",
#'confirmunprotect' => "Confirm unprotection",
#'confirmunprotecttext' => "Do you really want to unprotect this page?",
'contextchars' => "每行字數",
'contextlines' => "每鏈接行數",
'contribslink' => "貢獻",
'contribsub' => "為$1",
'contributions' => "用戶貢獻",
#'copyright' => "Content is available under $1.",
'copyrightpage' => "維基百科:版權信息",
'copyrightpagename' => "維基百科版權",
'copyrightwarning' => "請注意對W維基百科的任何貢獻都將被認為是在GNU自由文檔協議證書下發佈。
如果您不希望您的文字被任意修改和再散佈,請不要提交。<br />
/* 'copyrightwarning2' => "Please note that all contributions to {{SITENAME}}
may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors.
If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then don't submit it here.<br />
You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a
public domain or similar free resource (see $1 for details).
'couldntremove' => "無法移除'$1'...",
'createaccount' => "創建新帳號",
'createaccountmail' => "通過eMail",
#'createaccountpheading' => "createaccount level",
#'creditspage' => "Page credits",
'cur' => "當前",
'currentevents' => "新聞動態",
#'currentevents-url' => "Current events",
'currentrev' => "當前修訂版本",
#'currentrevisionlink' => "view current revision",
#'data' => "Data",
'databaseerror' => "數據庫錯誤",
#'dateformat' => "Date format",
'dberrortext' => "數據庫指令語法錯誤。
來自於函數 \"<tt>$2</tt>\"。
MySQL返回錯誤 \"<tt>$3: $4</tt>\"。",
/* 'dberrortextcl' => "A database query syntax error has occurred.
The last attempted database query was:
from within function \"$2\".
MySQL returned error \"$3: $4\".
", */
#'deadendpages' => "Dead-end pages",
'debug' => "除錯",
'dec' => "十二月",
'december' => "十二月",
#'default' => "default",
#'defaultns' => "Search in these namespaces by default:",
#'defemailsubject' => "{{SITENAME}} e-mail",
#'delete' => "Delete",
'deletecomment' => "刪除理由",
'deletedarticle' => "已刪除“$1”",
#'deletedrevision' => "Deleted old revision $1.",
'deletedtext' => "“$1”已經被刪除。
'deleteimg' => "刪",
#'deleteimgcompletely' => "Delete all revisions",
'deletepage' => "刪除頁面",
#'deletepheading' => "delete level",
'deletesub' => "(正在刪除“$1”)",
'deletethispage' => "刪除本頁",
'deletionlog' => "刪除紀錄",
'dellogpage' => "刪除紀錄",
'dellogpagetext' => "以下是最近刪除的紀錄列表。
'developertext' => "您剛才的請求只有擁有發展者權限的用戶才可使用。
'developertitle' => "需要發展者權限",
'diff' => "差異",
'difference' => "(修訂版本間差異)",
'disambiguations' => "消含糊頁",
'disambiguationspage' => "維基百科:鏈接到消歧義的頁面",
'disambiguationstext' => "以下的條目都有到消含糊頁的鏈接,但它們應該是鏈到適當的題目。<br />一個頁面會被視為消含糊頁如果它是鏈自$1.<br />由其它他名字空間來的鏈接<i>不會</i>在這兒被列出來。",
#'disclaimerpage' => "Project:General_disclaimer",
#'disclaimers' => "Disclaimers",
'doubleredirects' => "雙重重定向",
'doubleredirectstext' => "<b>請注意:</b> 這列表可能包括不正確的反應。
這通常表示在那頁面第一個#REDIRECT之下還有文字。<br />

通常顯示的都會是\“真正\” 的目標頁面,也就是第一個重定向頁應該指向的條目。",
'edit' => "編輯",
#'editcomment' => "The edit comment was: \"<i>$1</i>\".",
'editconflict' => "編輯衝突:$1",
'editcurrent' => "編輯本頁的當前修訂版本",
#'editgroup' => "Edit Group",
'edithelp' => "編輯幫助",
'edithelppage' => "維基百科:如何編輯頁面",
'editing' => "正在編輯$1",
'editingcomment' => "正在編輯$1 (評論)",
'editingold' => "<strong>警告:你正在編輯的是本頁的舊版本。
'editingsection' => "正在編輯$1 (段落)",
'editsection' => "編輯",
'editthispage' => "編輯本頁",
#'editusergroup' => "Edit User Groups",
'emailflag' => "禁止其他用戶發電子郵件給我",
'emailforlost' => "* 輸入一個電郵地址並不是必須的。但是這將允許他人在您未告知的情況下通過電子郵件與您聯繫,如果您忘了密碼的話電郵地址也會有幫助。",
'emailfrom' => "發件人",
'emailmessage' => "信息",
'emailpage' => "電子郵件用戶",
'emailpagetext' => "如果該用戶已經在他或她的參數設置頁中輸入了有效的電子郵件地址,以下的表格將寄一個信息給該用戶。您在您參數設置中所輸入的電子郵件地址將出現在郵件“發件人”一欄中,這樣該用戶就可以回復您。",
'emailsend' => "發送",
'emailsent' => "電子郵件已發送",
'emailsenttext' => "您的電子郵件已經發出。",
'emailsubject' => "主題",
'emailto' => "收件人",
'emailuser' => "電子郵件該用戶",
#'emptyfile' => "The file you uploaded seems to be empty. This might be due to a typo in the file name. Please check whether you really want to upload this file.",
'enterlockreason' => "請輸入禁止訪問原因, 包括估計重新開放的時間",
'error' => "錯誤",
'errorpagetitle' => "錯誤",
#'exbeforeblank' => "content before blanking was:",
#'exblank' => "page was empty",
#'excontent' => "content was:",
'explainconflict' => "有人在你開始編輯後更改了頁面。
#'export' => "Export pages",
#'exportcuronly' => "Include only the current revision, not the full history",
/* 'exporttext' => "You can export the text and editing history of a particular page or
set of pages wrapped in some XML. In the future, this may then be imported into another
wiki running MediaWiki software, although there is no support for this feature in the
current version.

To export article pages, enter the titles in the text box below, one title per line, and
select whether you want the current version as well as all old versions, with the page
history lines, or just the current version with the info about the last edit.

In the latter case you can also use a link, e.g. [[{{ns:Special}}:Export/Train]] for the
article [[Train]].
", */
#'extlink_sample' => "http://www.example.com link title",
#'extlink_tip' => "External link (remember http:// prefix)",
'faq' => "常見問題解答",
'faqpage' => "維基百科:常見問題解答",
'feb' => "二月",
'february' => "二月",
#'feedlinks' => "Feed:",
'filecopyerror' => "無法複製文件\"$1\"到\"$2\"。",
'filedeleteerror' => "無法刪除文件\"$1\"。",
'filedesc' => "簡述",
#'fileexists' => "A file with this name exists already, please check $1 if you are not sure if you want to change it.",
#'filemissing' => "File missing",
'filename' => "文件名",
'filenotfound' => "找不到文件\"$1\"。",
'filerenameerror' => "無法重命名文件\"$1\"到\"$2\"。",
#'filesource' => "Source",
#'filestatus' => "Copyright status",
'fileuploaded' => "文件\"$1\"上載成功。
'formerror' => "錯誤:無法提交表單",
'friday' => "星期五",
#'geo' => "GEO coordinates",
'getimagelist' => "正在獲取圖像列表",
'go' => "進入",
/* 'googlesearch' => "
<!-- SiteSearch Google -->
<FORM method=GET action=\"http://www.google.com/search\">
<TABLE bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><tr><td>
<A HREF=\"http://www.google.com/\">
<IMG SRC=\"http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif\"
border=\"0\" ALT=\"Google\"></A>
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value=\"$1\">
<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE=\"Google Search\">
<font size=-1>
<input type=hidden name=domains value=\"{{SERVER}}\"><br /><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=\"\"> WWW <input type=radio name=sitesearch value=\"{{SERVER}}\" checked> {{SERVER}} <br />
<input type='hidden' name='ie' value='$2'>
<input type='hidden' name='oe' value='$2'>
<!-- SiteSearch Google -->", */
#'guesstimezone' => "Fill in from browser",
#'headline_sample' => "Headline text",
#'headline_tip' => "Level 2 headline",
'help' => "幫助",
'helppage' => "維基百科:幫助",
'hide' => "隱藏",
'hidetoc' => "隱藏",
'hist' => "歷史",
'histlegend' => "說明:(當前)指與當前修訂版本比較;(先前)指與前一個修訂版本比較,小 指細微修改。",
'history' => "較早版本",
#'history_copyright' => "-",
#'history_short' => "History",
#'historywarning' => "Warning: The page you are about to delete has a history: ",
#'hr_tip' => "Horizontal line (use sparingly)",
'ignorewarning' => "忽略警告並保存文件。",
#'illegalfilename' => "The filename \"$1\" contains characters that are not allowed in page titles. Please rename the file and try uploading it again.",
'ilshowmatch' => "顯示所有匹對的圖像",
'ilsubmit' => "搜索",
#'image_sample' => "Example.jpg",
#'image_tip' => "Embedded image",
'imagelinks' => "圖像鏈接",
'imagelist' => "圖像列表",
'imagelisttext' => "以下是按$2排列的$1幅圖像列表。",
#'imagemaxsize' => "Limit images on image description pages to: ",
'imagepage' => "查看圖像頁面",
'imagereverted' => "回降到早期版本操作完成。",
'imgdelete' => "刪",
'imgdesc' => "述",
'imghistlegend' => "題跋: (現) = 目前的圖像,(刪) = 刪除舊版本,
(複) = 恢復到舊版本。
<br /><i>點擊日期查看當天上載的圖像</i>.",
'imghistory' => "圖像歷史",
'imglegend' => "說明:(述) = 顯示/編輯圖像描述頁。",
#'import' => "Import pages",
#'importfailed' => "Import failed: $1",
#'importhistoryconflict' => "Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before)",
#'importnotext' => "Empty or no text",
#'importsuccess' => "Import succeeded!",
#'importtext' => "Please export the file from the source wiki using the Special:Export utility, save it to your disk and upload it here.",
#'info_short' => "Information",
#'infobox' => "Click a button to get an example text",
#'infobox_alert' => "Please enter the text you want to be formatted.\n It will be shown in the infobox for copy and pasting.\nExample:\n$1\nwill become:\n$2",
#'infosubtitle' => "Information for page",
'internalerror' => "內部錯誤",
'intl' => "跨語言鏈接",
/* 'ip_range_invalid' => "Invalid IP range.
", */
'ipaddress' => "網址",
#'ipb_expiry_invalid' => "Expiry time invalid.",
#'ipbexpiry' => "Expiry",
'ipblocklist' => "被封網址列表",
'ipbreason' => "原因",
'ipbsubmit' => "查封該地址",
'ipusubmit' => "解除禁封",
'ipusuccess' => "網址”$1”已經被解除禁封",
#'isbn' => "ISBN",
'isredirect' => "重定向頁",
#'italic_sample' => "Italic text",
#'italic_tip' => "Italic text",
'iteminvalidname' => "頁面'$1'錯誤,無效命名...",
'jan' => "一月",
'january' => "一月",
'jul' => "七月",
'july' => "七月",
'jun' => "六月",
'june' => "六月",
#'laggedslave' => "Warning: Page may not contain recent updates.",
'largefile' => "我們建議圖像大小不超過百千位。",
'last' => "先前",
'lastmodified' => "最後更改$1.",
#'lastmodifiedby' => "This page was last modified $1 by $2.",
'lineno' => "第$1行:",
#'link_sample' => "Link title",
#'link_tip' => "Internal link",
'linklistsub' => "(鏈接列表)",
'linkshere' => "以下頁面鏈接到這裏:",
'linkstoimage' => "以下頁面連接到本圖像:",
#'linktrail' => "/^([a-z]+)(.*)$/sD",
#'listadmins' => "Admins list",
'listform' => "列表",
#'listingcontinuesabbrev' => " cont.",
'listusers' => "用戶列表",
'loadhist' => "載入頁面修訂歷史",
'loadingrev' => "載入修訂版本比較",
'localtime' => "當地時間",
'lockbtn' => "數據庫上鎖",
'lockconfirm' => "是的,我確實想要封鎖數據庫。",
'lockdb' => "禁止更改數據庫",
'lockdbsuccesssub' => "數據庫成功上鎖",
'lockdbsuccesstext' => "維基百科數據庫已經上鎖。
<br />請記住在維護完成後重新開放數據庫。",
'lockdbtext' => "鎖住數據庫將禁止所有用戶進行編輯頁面、更改參數、編輯監視列表以及其他需要更改數據庫的操作。
'locknoconfirm' => "您並沒有勾選確認按鈕。",
#'log' => "Logs",
'login' => "登錄",
#'loginend' => "&nbsp;",
'loginerror' => "登錄錯誤",
'loginpagetitle' => "用戶登錄",
'loginproblem' => "<b>登錄有問題。</b><br />再試一次!",
#'loginprompt' => "You must have cookies enabled to log in to {{SITENAME}}.",
#'loginreqtext' => "You must [[special:Userlogin|login]] to view other pages.",
#'loginreqtitle' => "Login Required",
'loginsuccess' => "你現在以 \"$1\"的身份登錄維基百科。",
'loginsuccesstitle' => "登錄成功",
'logout' => "退出",
'logouttext' => "您現在已經退出。
'logouttitle' => "用戶退出",
'lonelypages' => "孤立頁面",
'longpages' => "長條目",
'longpagewarning' => "警告:本頁長度達$1千位;一些瀏覽器將無法編輯長過三十二千位的文章。請考慮將本文切割成幾個小段落。",
#'mailerror' => "Error sending mail: $1",
'mailmypassword' => "將新密碼寄給我",
'mailnologin' => "無電郵地址",
'mailnologintext' => "您必須先<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Userlogin}}\">登錄</a>
並在<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Preferences}}\">參數設置</a>
'mainpage' => "首頁",
/* 'mainpagedocfooter' => "Please see [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_i18n documentation on customizing the interface]
and the [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_User%27s_Guide User's Guide] for usage and configuration help.", */
#'mainpagetext' => "Wiki software successfully installed.",
'maintenance' => "維護頁",
'maintenancebacklink' => "返回維護頁",
'maintnancepagetext' => "這頁面提供了幾個幫助維基百科日常維護的工具。
所以請您不要在每修理好幾個項目後就按重新載入 ;-)",
#'makesysop' => "Make a user into a sysop",
#'makesysopfail' => "<b>User \"$1\" could not be made into a sysop. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b>",
#'makesysopname' => "Name of the user:",
#'makesysopok' => "<b>User \"$1\" is now a sysop</b>",
#'makesysopsubmit' => "Make this user into a sysop",
/* 'makesysoptext' => "This form is used by bureaucrats to turn ordinary users into administrators.
Type the name of the user in the box and press the button to make the user an administrator", */
#'makesysoptitle' => "Make a user into a sysop",
'mar' => "三月",
'march' => "三月",
#'markaspatrolleddiff' => "Mark as patrolled",
#'markaspatrolledlink' => "<div class='patrollink'>[$1]</div>",
#'markaspatrolledtext' => "Mark this article as patrolled",
#'markedaspatrolled' => "Marked as patrolled",
#'markedaspatrolledtext' => "The selected revision has been marked as patrolled.",
'matchtotals' => "搜索項\"$1\"與$2條文章的題目相符,和$3條文章相符。",
'math' => "數學顯示",
#'math_bad_output' => "Can't write to or create math output directory",
#'math_bad_tmpdir' => "Can't write to or create math temp directory",
'math_failure' => "無法解析",
#'math_image_error' => "PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation of latex, dvips, gs, and convert",
'math_lexing_error' => "句法錯誤",
#'math_notexvc' => "Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.",
#'math_sample' => "Insert formula here",
'math_syntax_error' => "語法錯誤",
#'math_tip' => "Mathematical formula (LaTeX)",
'math_unknown_error' => "未知錯誤",
'math_unknown_function' => "未知函數",
'may' => "五月",
'may_long' => "五月",
#'media_sample' => "Example.mp3",
#'media_tip' => "Media file link",
'minlength' => "圖像名字必須至少有三個字母。",
'minoredit' => "這是一個小修改",
'minoreditletter' => "小",
'mispeelings' => "拼寫錯誤的頁面",
'mispeelingspage' => "常見拼寫錯誤列表",
'mispeelingstext' => "以下頁面包含了一些常見的拼寫錯誤(見$1)。正確的拼法已經給出。",
'missingarticle' => "數據庫找不到文字\"$1\"。


/* 'missingimage' => "<b>Missing image</b><br /><i>$1</i>
", */
'missinglanguagelinks' => "無語言鏈接",
'missinglanguagelinksbutton' => "尋找沒有該語言的頁面",
'missinglanguagelinkstext' => "這些條目<i>沒有</i>鏈接到$1。
'monday' => "星期一",
#'moredotdotdot' => "More...",
#'move' => "Move",
'movearticle' => "移動頁面",
'movedto' => "移動到",
'movenologin' => "未登錄",
'movenologintext' => "您必須是一名登記用戶並且<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Userlogin}}\">登錄</a>
'movepage' => "移動頁面",
'movepagebtn' => "移動頁面",
'movepagetalktext' => "有關的對話頁(如果有的話)將被自動與該頁面一起移動,'''除非''':

'movepagetext' => "用下面的表單來重命名一個頁面,並將其修訂歷史同時移動到新頁面。


'movetalk' => "如果可能的話,請同時移動對話頁。",
'movethispage' => "移動本頁",
#'mw_math_html' => "HTML if possible or else PNG",
#'mw_math_mathml' => "MathML if possible (experimental)",
#'mw_math_modern' => "Recommended for modern browsers",
#'mw_math_png' => "Always render PNG",
#'mw_math_simple' => "HTML if very simple or else PNG",
#'mw_math_source' => "Leave it as TeX (for text browsers)",
'mycontris' => "我的貢獻",
'mypage' => "我的頁面",
'mytalk' => "我的對話頁",
'navigation' => "導航",
'nbytes' => "$1字節",
'nchanges' => "$1個更改",
'newarticle' => "(新)",
'newarticletext' => "您從一個鏈接進入了一個並不存在的頁面。
#'newbies' => "newbies",
#'newimages' => "New images gallery",
'newmessages' => "您有$1。",
'newmessageslink' => "新信息",
'newpage' => "新頁面",
'newpageletter' => "新",
'newpages' => "新頁面",
'newpassword' => "新密碼",
'newtitle' => "新標題",
'newusersonly' => "(僅限新用戶)",
#'newwindow' => "(opens in new window)",
'next' => "後繼",
#'nextdiff' => "Go to next diff &rarr;",
'nextn' => "之後$1",
#'nextpage' => "Next page ($1)",
#'nextrevision' => "Newer revision&rarr;",
'nlinks' => "$1個鏈接",
'noaffirmation' => "您必須保證您上載的文件並沒有侵犯版權。",
'noarticletext' => "(本頁目前沒有內容)",
'noblockreason' => "您必須說明查封的具體理由。",
'noconnect' => "無法在$1上連接數據庫",
'nocontribs' => "沒有找到符合特徵的更改。",
#'nocookieslogin' => "{{SITENAME}} uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again.",
#'nocookiesnew' => "The user account was created, but you are not logged in. {{SITENAME}} uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them, then log in with your new username and password.",
#'nocreativecommons' => "Creative Commons RDF metadata disabled for this server.",
#'nocredits' => "There is no credits info available for this page.",
'nodb' => "無法選擇數據庫 $1",
#'nodublincore' => "Dublin Core RDF metadata disabled for this server.",
'noemail' => "用戶\"$1\"沒有登記電子郵件地址。",
'noemailtext' => "該用戶還沒有指定一個有效的電子郵件地址,
'noemailtitle' => "無電子郵件地址",
'nogomatch' => "沒有文章與搜索項完全匹配,請嘗試完整文字搜索。",
'nohistory' => "沒有本頁的修訂記錄。",
#'noimages' => "Nothing to see.",
'nolinkshere' => "沒有頁面鏈接到這裏。",
'nolinkstoimage' => "沒有頁面連接到本圖像。",
'noname' => "你沒有輸入一個有效的用戶名。",
'nonefound' => "<strong>注意:</strong>失敗的搜索往往是由於試圖搜索諸如“的”或“和”之類的常見字所引起。",
#'nonunicodebrowser' => "<strong>WARNING: Your browser is not unicode compliant, please change it before editing an article.</strong>",
'nospecialpagetext' => "您請求的頁面無法被維基百科軟件識別。",
'nosuchaction' => "沒有這個命令",
'nosuchactiontext' => "URL請求的命令無法被維基百科軟件識別。",
'nosuchspecialpage' => "沒有這個特殊頁。",
'nosuchuser' => "找不到用戶 \"$1\"。
#'nosuchusershort' => "There is no user by the name \"$1\". Check your spelling.",
#'notacceptable' => "The wiki server can't provide data in a format your client can read.",
'notanarticle' => "不是條目",
'notargettext' => "您還沒有指定一個目標頁面或用戶以進行此項操作。",
'notargettitle' => "無目標",
'note' => "<strong>注意:</strong> ",
'notextmatches' => "沒有文章內容匹配",
'notitlematches' => "沒有找到匹配文章題目",
#'notloggedin' => "Not logged in",
'nov' => "十一月",
'november' => "十一月",
'nowatchlist' => "您的監視列表為空。",
#'nowiki_sample' => "Insert non-formatted text here",
#'nowiki_tip' => "Ignore wiki formatting",
'nstab-category' => "分類",
'nstab-help' => "幫助",
'nstab-image' => "圖像",
'nstab-main' => "條目",
#'nstab-media' => "Media",
'nstab-mediawiki' => "界面",
'nstab-special' => "特殊",
'nstab-template' => "模板",
'nstab-user' => "用戶頁面",
'nstab-wp' => "關於",
#'numauthors' => "Number of distinct authors (article): $1",
#'numedits' => "Number of edits (article): $1",
#'numtalkauthors' => "Number of distinct authors (discussion page): $1",
#'numtalkedits' => "Number of edits (discussion page): $1",
#'numwatchers' => "Number of watchers: $1",
'nviews' => "$1次瀏覽",
'oct' => "十月",
'october' => "十月",
'ok' => "好",
'oldpassword' => "舊密碼",
'orig' => "初始",
'orphans' => "孤立條目",
#'othercontribs' => "Based on work by $1.",
'otherlanguages' => "其它語言",
#'others' => "others",
'pagemovedsub' => "移動成功",
'pagemovedtext' => "頁面“[[$1]]”已經移動到“[[$2]]”。",
#'pagetitle' => "$1 - {{SITENAME}}",
'passwordremindertext' => "有人(可能是您,來自網址$1)要求我們將新的維基百科登錄密碼寄給你。
用戶 \"$2\" 的密碼現在是 \"$3\"。
'passwordremindertitle' => "維基百科密碼提醒",
'passwordsent' => "用戶\"$1\"的新密碼已經寄往所登記的電子郵件地址。
#'perfcached' => "The following data is cached and may not be completely up to date:",
'perfdisabled' => "抱歉!由於此項操作有可能造成數據庫癱瘓,目前暫時無法使用。",
'perfdisabledsub' => "這裏是自$1的複製版本:",
#'personaltools' => "Personal tools",
'popularpages' => "熱點條目",
'portal' => "社區",
#'portal-url' => "Project:Community Portal",
'postcomment' => "發表評論",
#'poweredby' => "{{SITENAME}} is powered by [http://www.mediawiki.org/ MediaWiki], an open source wiki engine.",
'powersearch' => "搜索",
'powersearchtext' => "
搜索名字空間:<br />$1<br />$2列出重定向頁面;搜索$3 $9",
'preferences' => "參數設置",
'prefs-help-userdata' => "*<strong>真實姓名</strong>(可選):用以對您的貢獻署名。<br />*<strong>點子郵件</strong>(可選):讓他人通過網站在不知道您的電子郵件地址的情況下通過電子郵件與您聯絡,以及通過電子郵件取得遺忘的密碼。",
'prefs-misc' => "雜項",
'prefs-personal' => "用戶數據",
'prefs-rc' => "最近更新",
'prefslogintext' => "你已經以\"$1\"的身份登錄。
'prefsnologin' => "還未登錄",
'prefsnologintext' => "您必須先<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Userlogin}}\">登錄</a>才能設置個人參數。",
'prefsreset' => "參數重新設置。",
'preview' => "預覽",
'previewconflict' => "這個預覽顯示了上面文字編輯區中的內容。它將在你選擇保存後出現。",
'previewnote' => "請記住這只是預覽,內容還未保存!",
#'previousdiff' => "&larr; Go to previous diff",
#'previousrevision' => "&larr;Older revision",
'prevn' => "先前$1",
'printableversion' => "可打印版",
'printsubtitle' => "(來自 http://zh-tw.wikipedia.org)",
#'protect' => "Protect",
#'protectcomment' => "Reason for protecting",
#'protectedarticle' => "protected $1",
'protectedpage' => "被保護頁",
'protectedpagewarning' => "警告:本頁已經被保護,只有擁有管理員權限的用戶才可修改。請確認您遵守
<a href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Protected_page_guidelines'>保護頁面守則</a>.",
/* 'protectedtext' => "This page has been locked to prevent editing; there are
a number of reasons why this may be so, please see
[[Project:Protected page]].

You can view and copy the source of this page:", */
#'protectlogpage' => "Protection_log",
/* 'protectlogtext' => "Below is a list of page locks/unlocks.
See [[Project:Protected page]] for more information.", */
#'protectmoveonly' => "Protect from moves only",
'protectpage' => "保護頁面",
#'protectreason' => "(give a reason)",
#'protectsub' => "(Protecting \"$1\")",
'protectthispage' => "保護本頁",
#'proxyblocker' => "Proxy blocker",
#'proxyblockreason' => "Your IP address has been blocked because it is an open proxy. Please contact your Internet service provider or tech support and inform them of this serious security problem.",
/* 'proxyblocksuccess' => "Done.
", */
#'pubmedurl' => "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=$1",
'qbbrowse' => "瀏覽",
'qbedit' => "編輯",
'qbfind' => "尋找",
'qbmyoptions' => "我的選項",
'qbpageinfo' => "頁面信息",
'qbpageoptions' => "頁面選項",
'qbsettings' => "快速導航條設置",
#'qbsettingsnote' => "This preference only works in the 'Standard' and the 'CologneBlue' skin.",
#'qbspecialpages' => "Special pages",
'querybtn' => "提交查詢",
'querysuccessful' => "查詢成功",
'randompage' => "隨機頁面",
#'randompage-url' => "Special:Randompage",
#'range_block_disabled' => "The sysop ability to create range blocks is disabled.",
'rchide' => "以$4形式;$1個小修改;$2個二級名字空間;$3個多重修改",
'rclinks' => "顯示最近 $2 天內最新的 $1 次改動。<br />$3",
'rclistfrom' => "顯示自$1以來的新更改",
#'rcliu' => "; $1 edits from logged in users",
'rcloaderr' => "載入最近更改",
'rclsub' => "(從 \"$1\"鏈出的頁面)",
'rcnote' => "下面是最近<strong>$2</strong>天內最新的<strong>$1</strong>次改動。",
'rcnotefrom' => "下面是自<b>$2</b>(最多顯示<b>$1</b>)。",
#'rcpatroldisabled' => "Recent Changes Patrol disabled",
#'rcpatroldisabledtext' => "The Recent Changes Patrol feature is currently disabled.",
'readonly' => "數據庫禁止訪問",
'readonlytext' => "維基百科數據庫目前禁止輸入新內容及更改,
'readonlywarning' => "警告:數據庫被鎖以進行維護,所以您目前將無法保存您的修改。您或許希望先將本斷文字複製並保存到文本文件,然後等一會兒再修改。",
'recentchanges' => "最近更改",
#'recentchanges-url' => "Special:Recentchanges",
'recentchangescount' => "最近更改頁行數",
'recentchangeslinked' => "鏈出更改",
'recentchangestext' => "本頁跟蹤維基百科內最新的更改。

[http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Recentchanges 最近的元維基討論]。",
'redirectedfrom' => "(重定向自$1)",
'remembermypassword' => "下次登錄記住密碼。",
'removechecked' => "將被選頁面從監視列表中移除",
'removedwatch' => "停止監視",
'removedwatchtext' => "頁面“$1”已經從您的監視頁面中移除。",
'removingchecked' => "移除頁面...",
'resetprefs' => "重設參數",
#'restorelink' => "$1 deleted edits",
'resultsperpage' => "每頁顯示鏈接數",
'retrievedfrom' => "取自\"$1\"",
'returnto' => "返回到$1.",
'retypenew' => "重複新密碼",
'reupload' => "重新上載",
'reuploaddesc' => "返回上載表單。",
'reverted' => "回降到早期版本",
'revertimg' => "回",
'revertpage' => "回降到$1的最後一次編輯",
'revhistory' => "修訂歷史",
'revisionasof' => "$1的修訂版本",
#'revisionasofwithlink' => "Revision as of $1; $2<br />$3 | $4",
'revnotfound' => "沒有找到修訂記錄",
'revnotfoundtext' => "您請求的更早版本的修訂記錄沒有找到。
#'rfcurl' => "http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc$1.html",
#'rights' => "Rights:",
#'rightslogtext' => "This is a log of changes to user rights.",
'rollback' => "恢復",
#'rollback_short' => "Rollback",
#'rollbackfailed' => "Rollback failed",
'rollbacklink' => "恢復",
'rows' => "行",
'saturday' => "星期六",
'savearticle' => "保存本頁",
'savedprefs' => "您的個人參數設置已經保存。",
'savefile' => "保存文件",
#'savegroup' => "Save Group",
'saveprefs' => "保存參數設置",
#'saveusergroups' => "Save User Groups",
'search' => "搜索",
'searchdisabled' => "<p>維基百科內部搜索功能由於高峰時段服務器超載而停止使用。
<a href=\"http://google.com.tw/\">google</a>搜索維基百科。
<!-- Search Google -->
<form id=\"google\" method=\"get\" action=\"http://www.google.com.tw/custom\">
<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr valign=top><td>
<a href=\"http://www.google.com.tw/search\">
<img src=\"http://www.google.com.tw/logos/Logo_40wht.gif\" border=0
alt=\"Google\" align=\"middle\"></a>
<input type=text name=\"q\" size=31 maxlength=255 value=\"$1\">
<input type=submit name=\"sa\" value=\"Google搜索\">
<input type=hidden name=\"cof\" value=\"LW:135;L:http://zh-tw.wikipedia.org/upload/wiki.png;LH:133;AH:left;S:http://www.wikiped<font face=arial,sans-serif size=-1>
<input type=hidden name=\"domains\" value=\"zh-tw.wikipedia.org\"><br />
<input type=radio name=\"sitesearch\" value=\"\"> 搜索WWW
<input type=radio name=\"sitesearch\" value=\"zh-tw.wikipedia.org\" checked> 搜索zh-tw.wikipedia.org </font><br />
<!-- Search Google -->
'searchquery' => "查詢\"$1\"",
'searchresults' => "搜索結果",
'searchresultshead' => "搜索結果設定",
'searchresulttext' => "有關搜索維基百科的更多詳情,參見$1。",
#'sectionlink' => "&rarr;",
#'selectnewerversionfordiff' => "Select a newer version for comparison",
#'selectolderversionfordiff' => "Select an older version for comparison",
'selectonly' => "除了“SELECT”以外的所有查詢都只限維基百科發展者使用。",
'selflinks' => "有自我鏈接的頁面",
'selflinkstext' => "以下的頁面都錯誤地包含了連到自己的鏈接。",
'sep' => "九月",
'september' => "九月",
#'seriousxhtmlerrors' => "There were serious xhtml markup errors detected by tidy.",
#'servertime' => "Server time is now",
#'set_rights_fail' => "<b>User rights for \"$1\" could not be set. (Did you enter the name correctly?)</b>",
#'set_user_rights' => "Set user rights",
#'setbureaucratflag' => "Set bureaucrat flag",
#'sharedupload' => "This file is a shared upload and may be used by other projects.",
'shortpages' => "短條目",
'show' => "顯示",
#'showbigimage' => "Download high resolution version ($1x$2, $3 KB)",
'showhideminor' => "$1 小修改 | $2 bots | $3 登錄用戶 | $4 檢查過的",
'showingresults' => "下面顯示<b>$1</b>條結果,從第<b>$2</b>條開始",
#'showingresultsnum' => "Showing below <b>$3</b> results starting with #<b>$2</b>.",
'showlast' => "顯示按$2排列的最後$1幅圖像。",
'showpreview' => "顯示預覽",
'showtoc' => "顯示",
#'sig_tip' => "Your signature with timestamp",
#'siteadminpheading' => "siteadmin level",
#'sitenotice' => "-",
#'sitesettings' => "Site Settings",
#'sitesettings-caching' => "Page caching",
#'sitesettings-cookies' => "Cookies",
#'sitesettings-debugging' => "Debugging",
#'sitesettings-features' => "Features",
#'sitesettings-images' => "Images",
#'sitesettings-memcached' => "Memcache Daemon",
#'sitesettings-performance' => "Performance",
#'sitesettings-permissions' => "Permissions",
#'sitesettings-permissions-banning' => "User banning",
#'sitesettings-permissions-miser' => "Performance settings",
#'sitesettings-permissions-readonly' => "Maintenance mode: Disable write access",
#'sitesettings-permissions-whitelist' => "Whitelist mode",
#'sitesettings-wgAllowExternalImages' => "Allow to include external images into articles",
#'sitesettings-wgDefaultBlockExpiry' => "By default, blocks expire after:",
#'sitesettings-wgDisableQueryPages' => "When in miser mode, disable all query pages, not only \"expensive\" ones",
#'sitesettings-wgHitcounterUpdateFreq' => "Hit counter update frequency",
#'sitesettings-wgMiserMode' => "Enable miser mode, which disables most \"expensive\" features",
#'sitesettings-wgReadOnly' => "Readonly mode",
#'sitesettings-wgReadOnlyFile' => "Readonly message file",
#'sitesettings-wgShowIPinHeader' => "Show IP in header (for non-logged in users)",
#'sitesettings-wgSysopRangeBans' => "Sysops may block IP-ranges",
#'sitesettings-wgSysopUserBans' => "Sysops may block logged-in users",
#'sitesettings-wgUseCategoryBrowser' => "Enable experimental dmoz-like category browsing. Outputs things like:  Encyclopedia > Music > Style of Music > Jazz",
#'sitesettings-wgUseCategoryMagic' => "Enable categories",
#'sitesettings-wgUseDatabaseMessages' => "Use database messages for user interface labels",
#'sitesettings-wgUseWatchlistCache' => "Generate a watchlist once every hour or so",
#'sitesettings-wgWLCacheTimeout' => "The hour or so mentioned above (in seconds):",
#'sitesettings-wgWhitelistAccount-developer' => "Developers may create accounts for users",
#'sitesettings-wgWhitelistAccount-sysop' => "Sysops may create accounts for users",
#'sitesettings-wgWhitelistAccount-user' => "Users may create accounts themself",
#'sitesettings-wgWhitelistEdit' => "Users must be logged in to edit",
#'sitesettings-wgWhitelistRead' => "Anonymous users may only read these pages:",
'sitestats' => "站點統計",
'sitestatstext' => "數據庫中共有 <b>$1</b> 頁頁面;
以及未達到條目質量的頁面;除此之外還有 <b>$2</b> 頁可能是合乎標準的條目。
<p>從系統軟件升級以來,全站點共有頁面瀏覽 <b>$3</b> 次,
頁面編輯 <b>$4</b> 次,每頁平均編輯 <b>$5</b> 次,
各次編輯後頁面的每個版本平均瀏覽 <b>$6</b> 次。",
'sitesubtitle' => "自由的百科全書",
#'sitesupport' => "-",
#'sitesupport-url' => "Project:Site support",
'sitetitle' => "維基百科",
#'siteuser' => "InfoSoka user $1",
#'siteusers' => "InfoSoka user(s) $1",
'skin' => "皮膚",
#'spamprotectionmatch' => "The following text is what triggered our spam filter: $1",
#'spamprotectiontext' => "The page you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to an external site.",
#'spamprotectiontitle' => "Spam protection filter",
#'special_version_postfix' => "&nbsp;",
#'special_version_prefix' => "&nbsp;",
#'speciallogtitlelabel' => "Title: ",
#'specialloguserlabel' => "User: ",
#'specialpage' => "Special Page",
'specialpages' => "特殊頁面",
'spheading' => "特殊頁面",
#'sqlislogged' => "Please note that all queries are logged.",
'sqlquery' => "輸入查詢",
'statistics' => "統計",
'storedversion' => "已保存版本",
'stubthreshold' => "短條目顯示基本限制",
'subcategories' => "子分類",
#'subcategorycount' => "There are $1 subcategories to this category.",
#'subcategorycount1' => "There is $1 subcategory to this category.",
'subject' => "主題",
'subjectpage' => "查看主題",
'successfulupload' => "上載成功",
'summary' => "簡述",
'sunday' => "星期日",
'sysoptext' => "您剛才的請求只有擁有管理員權限的用戶才可使用。
'sysoptitle' => "需要管理員權限",
'tableform' => "表格",
#'tagline' => "From {{SITENAME}}",
'talk' => "討論",
'talkexists' => "頁面本身移動成功,
'talkpage' => "討論本頁",
'talkpagemoved' => "相應的對話頁也已經移動。",
'talkpagenotmoved' => "相應的對話頁<strong>沒有</strong>被移動。",
#'talkpagetext' => "<!-- MediaWiki:talkpagetext -->",
#'templatesused' => "Templates used on this page:",
'textboxsize' => "文字框尺寸",
'textmatches' => "文章內容相符",
#'thisisdeleted' => "View or restore $1?",
#'thumbnail-more' => "Enlarge",
'thursday' => "星期四",
'timezonelegend' => "時區",
'timezoneoffset' => "時差",
'timezonetext' => "輸入當地時間與服務器時間的時差。",
'titlematches' => "文章題目相符",
'toc' => "目錄",
'tog-editondblclick' => "雙擊編輯頁面(Javascript)",
'tog-editsection' => "允許通過點擊[編輯]鏈結編輯段落",
'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => "允許右擊標題編輯段落(JavaScript)",
'tog-editwidth' => "編輯欄位寬度",
#'tog-fancysig' => "Raw signatures (without automatic link)",
'tog-hideminor' => "最近更改中隱藏細微修改",
'tog-highlightbroken' => "毀壞的鏈結格式<a href=\"\" class=\"new\">像這樣</a> (或者像這個<a href=\"\" class=\"internal\">?</a>)",
'tog-hover' => "滑過維基鏈結時顯示注釋",
'tog-justify' => "段落對齊",
'tog-minordefault' => "細微編輯為默認設置",
#'tog-nocache' => "Disable page caching",
'tog-numberheadings' => "標題自動編號",
#'tog-previewonfirst' => "Show preview on first edit",
'tog-previewontop' => "在編輯框上方顯示預覽",
'tog-rememberpassword' => "下次登陸記住密碼",
'tog-showtoc' => "顯示目錄<br />(針對一頁超過3個標題的文章)",
'tog-showtoolbar' => "顯示編輯工具欄",
'tog-underline' => "下劃鏈結",
'tog-usenewrc' => "最近更改增強(只適用部分流覽器)",
'tog-watchdefault' => "監視新的以及更改過的文章",
'toolbox' => "工具",
#'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => "See the differences between the two selected versions of this page. [alt-v]",
#'tooltip-minoredit' => "Mark this as a minor edit [alt-i]",
#'tooltip-preview' => "Preview your changes, please use this before saving! [alt-p]",
#'tooltip-save' => "Save your changes [alt-s]",
#'tooltip-search' => "Search this wiki [alt-f]",
#'tooltip-watch' => "Add this page to your watchlist [alt-w]",
'tuesday' => "星期二",
'uclinks' => "參看最後$1次修改;參看最後$2天。",
'ucnote' => "以下是該用戶最近<b><$2/b>天內的最後<b>$1</b>次修改。",
'uctop' => " (頂)",
'unblockip' => "解除禁封網址",
'unblockiptext' => "用下面的表單來恢復先前被禁封的網址的書寫權。",
'unblocklink' => "解除禁封",
#'unblocklogentry' => "unblocked \"$1\"",
#'uncategorizedcategories' => "Uncategorized categories",
#'uncategorizedpages' => "Uncategorized pages",
'undelete' => "恢復被刪頁面",
#'undelete_short' => "Undelete $1 edits",
'undeletearticle' => "恢復被刪文章",
'undeletebtn' => "恢復!",
'undeletedarticle' => "已經恢復“$1”",
#'undeletedrevisions' => "$1 revisions restored",
'undeletedtext' => "[[$1]]已經被成功復原。
'undeletehistory' => "如果您恢復了該頁面,所有版本都會被恢復到修訂歷史中。
'undeletepage' => "瀏覽及恢復被刪頁面",
'undeletepagetext' => "以下頁面已經被刪除,但依然在檔案中並可以被恢復。
'undeleterevision' => "刪除$1時的版本",
'undeleterevisions' => "$1版本存檔",
'unexpected' => "不正常值:\"$1\"=\"$2\"。",
'unlockbtn' => "開放數據庫",
'unlockconfirm' => "是的,我確實想要開放數據庫。",
'unlockdb' => "開放更改數據庫",
'unlockdbsuccesssub' => "數據庫開放",
'unlockdbsuccesstext' => "維基百科數據庫重新開放。",
'unlockdbtext' => "開放數據庫將會恢復所有用戶進行編輯頁面、修改參數、編輯監視列表以及其他需要更改數據庫的操作。
#'unprotect' => "Unprotect",
#'unprotectcomment' => "Reason for unprotecting",
#'unprotectedarticle' => "unprotected $1",
#'unprotectsub' => "(Unprotecting \"$1\")",
'unprotectthispage' => "解除保護",
'unusedimages' => "未使用圖像",
'unusedimagestext' => "<p>請注意其他網站(例如其他語言版本的維基百科)
#'unwatch' => "Unwatch",
'unwatchthispage' => "停止監視",
'updated' => "(已更新)",
'upload' => "上載文件",
'uploadbtn' => "上載文件",
#'uploadcorrupt' => "The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension. Please check the file and upload again.",
#'uploaddisabled' => "Sorry, uploading is disabled.",
'uploadedfiles' => "已上載文件",
'uploadedimage' => "已上載\"$1\"",
'uploaderror' => "上載錯誤",
'uploadfile' => "上載文件",
'uploadlink' => "上載圖像",
'uploadlog' => "上載紀錄",
'uploadlogpage' => "上載紀錄",
'uploadlogpagetext' => "以下是最近上載的文件的一覽表。
'uploadnologin' => "未登錄",
'uploadnologintext' => "您必須先<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Userlogin}}\">登錄</a>
'uploadtext' => "<strong>停止!</strong>在您上載之前,請先閱讀並遵守維基百科<a href=\"{{localurle:Wikipedia:Image use policy}}\">圖像使用守則</a>。
請到<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Imagelist}}\">已上載圖像列表</a>.
所有上載與刪除行為都被記錄在<a href=\"{{localurle:Wikipedia:Upload image}}\">上載紀錄</a>內。
點擊\"上載\" 按鈕完成上載程序。
'uploadwarning' => "上載警告",
/* 'usenewcategorypage' => "1

Set first character to \"0\" to disable the new category page layout.", */
#'user_rights_set' => "<b>User rights for \"$1\" updated</b>",
#'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "<strong>Tip:</strong> Use the 'Show preview' button to test your new CSS/JS before saving.",
#'usercsspreview' => "'''Remember that you are only previewing your user CSS, it has not yet been saved!'''",
'userexists' => "您所輸入的用戶名已有人使用。請另選一個。",
#'userjspreview' => "'''Remember that you are only testing/previewing your user JavaScript, it has not yet been saved!'''",
#'userlevels' => "User levels management",
#'userlevels-addgroup' => "Add group",
#'userlevels-editgroup' => "Edit group",
#'userlevels-editgroup-description' => "Group description (max 255 characters):<br />",
#'userlevels-editgroup-name' => "Group name: ",
#'userlevels-editusergroup' => "Edit user groups",
#'userlevels-group-edit' => "Existent groups: ",
#'userlevels-groupsavailable' => "Available groups:",
/* 'userlevels-groupshelp' => "Select groups you want the user to be removed from or added to.
Unselected groups will not be changed. You can unselect a group by using CTRL + Left Click", */
#'userlevels-groupsmember' => "Member of:",
#'userlevels-lookup-group' => "Manage group rights",
#'userlevels-lookup-user' => "Manage user groups",
#'userlevels-user-editname' => "Enter a username: ",
'userlogin' => "用戶登錄",
'userlogout' => "用戶退出",
#'usermailererror' => "Mail object returned error: ",
'userpage' => "查看用戶頁",
#'userrightspheading' => "userrights level",
'userstats' => "用戶統計",
/* 'userstatstext' => "There are '''$1''' registered users.
'''$2''' of these are administrators (see $3).", */
#'val_article_lists' => "List of validated articles",
#'val_clear_old' => "Clear my other validation data for $1",
/* 'val_form_note' => "<b>Hint:</b> Merging your data means that for the article
revision you select, all options where you have specified <i>no opinion</i>
will be set to the value and comment of the most recent revision for which you
have expressed an opinion. For example, if you want to change a single option
for a newer revision, but also keep your other settings for this article in
this revision, just select which option you intend to <i>change</i>, and
merging will fill in the other options with your previous settings.", */
#'val_merge_old' => "Use my previous assessment where selected 'No opinion'",
#'val_no_anon_validation' => "You have to be logged in to validate an article.",
#'val_noop' => "No opinion",
#'val_page_validation_statistics' => "Page validation statistics for $1",
#'val_percent' => "<b>$1%</b><br />($2 of $3 points<br />by $4 users)",
#'val_percent_single' => "<b>$1%</b><br />($2 of $3 points<br />by one user)",
#'val_stat_link_text' => "Validation statistics for this article",
#'val_tab' => "Validate",
/* 'val_table_header' => "<tr><th>Class</th>$1<th colspan=4>Opinion</th>$1<th>Comment</th></tr>
", */
#'val_this_is_current_version' => "this is the latest version",
#'val_total' => "Total",
#'val_user_validations' => "This user has validated $1 pages.",
#'val_validate_article_namespace_only' => "Only articles can be validated. This page is <i>not</i> in the article namespace.",
#'val_validate_version' => "Validate this version",
#'val_validated' => "Validation done.",
#'val_version' => "Version",
#'val_version_of' => "Version of $1",
#'val_view_version' => "View this version",
#'validate' => "Validate page",
#'variantname-zh' => "zh",
#'variantname-zh-cn' => "cn",
#'variantname-zh-hk' => "hk",
#'variantname-zh-sg' => "sg",
#'variantname-zh-tw' => "tw",
#'version' => "Version",
'viewcount' => "本頁面已經被瀏覽$1次。",
'viewprevnext' => "查看 ($1) ($2) ($3).",
#'viewsource' => "View source",
'viewtalkpage' => "查看討論",
'wantedpages' => "待撰頁面",
'watch' => "監視",
'watchdetails' => "($1個頁面(不含對話頁)被監視;
 	 <a href='$4'>顯示並編輯完整列表</a>.)",
'watcheditlist' => "這裏是您所監視的頁面的列表。要移除某一頁面,只要選擇該頁面然後點擊”移除頁面“按鈕。",
'watchlist' => "監視列表",
'watchlistcontains' => "您的監視列表包含$1個頁面。",
'watchlistsub' => "(用戶\"$1\")",
#'watchmethod-list' => "checking watched pages for recent edits",
'watchmethod-recent' => "檢查被監視頁面的最近編輯",
'watchnochange' => "在顯示的時間段內您所監視的頁面沒有更改。",
'watchnologin' => "未登錄",
'watchnologintext' => "您必須先<a href=\"{{localurle:Special:Userlogin}}\">登錄</a>
'watchthis' => "監視本頁",
'watchthispage' => "監視本頁",
'wednesday' => "星期三",
'welcomecreation' => "<h2>歡迎,$1!</h2><p>您的帳號已經建立,不要忘記設置維基百科個人參數。",
'whatlinkshere' => "鏈入頁面",
'whitelistacctext' => "在本維基中建立帳號您必須先[[特殊:登錄]]並擁有相關權限。",
'whitelistacctitle' => "您被禁止建立帳號",
'whitelistedittext' => "您必須先[[特殊:登錄]]才可編輯頁面。",
'whitelistedittitle' => "登錄後才可編輯",
'whitelistreadtext' => "您必須先[[特殊:登錄]]才可閱讀頁面。",
'whitelistreadtitle' => "登錄後才可閱讀",
'wikipediapage' => "查看元維基頁",
'wikititlesuffix' => "維基百科",
'wlnote' => "以下是最近<b>$2</b>小時內的最後$1次修改。",
#'wlsaved' => "This is a saved version of your watchlist.",
#'wlshowlast' => "Show last $1 hours $2 days $3",
/* 'wrong_wfQuery_params' => "Incorrect parameters to wfQuery()<br />
Function: $1<br />
Query: $2
", */
'wrongpassword' => "您輸入的密碼錯誤,請再試一次。",
'yourdiff' => "差別",
'youremail' => "您的電子郵件*",
'yourlanguage' => "界面語言",
'yourname' => "您的用戶名",
'yournick' => "綽號(簽名時用)",
'yourpassword' => "您的密碼",
'yourpasswordagain' => "再次輸入密碼",
'yourrealname' => "真實姓名*",
'yourtext' => "您的文字",
'yourvariant' => "中文字體",
#'zhconversiontable' => "-{}-",